Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Gathering for Peace

9/11/01- 9/11/11

A Gathering for Peace

Hosted by

Witches Education League

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Gathering at 1:30pm

The lawn between Victoria Station and Capt’s, Salem MA

Come join W.E.L. in a gathering for peace on this the 10th anniversary of the  tragedy that struck the very core of our spirits.  Unite with us as we ask our Higher  Power(s) to bring peace to all  throughout the world and to those hearts most affected.
Ten years later we are still at war overseas. A first step in creating peace must start in each of us. Let us remember those who lost their lives in this horrific event . Bring positive energy to our brave service men and women around the world for their safe return home to their families and friends.
This Gathering  is open to anyone who wishes to lend their energy to the cause for Peace.

For more information please contact


or call 978-745- 0065

Give Peace a Chance.