Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Samhain Ritual and Feast

15th Annual Ritual and Feast of Samhain

Hosted by The Witches Education League

Monday October 31st, 2011

8:00 - 12:00 Midnight

75.00 a ticket

All proceeds will benefit local charities

Come celebrate Samhain with witches from far and near.

Join old and new friends as we honor our ancestors and comtemplate the impending dark times to come with an excellent Ritual and Feast.

An authentic Samhain Ritual to honor those who have crossed over the veil.

Please join us in creating a monument to our dearly departed love ones by bringing a picture, poems, or keepsakes to place on the alter and 
everyone can add to our

“Scroll of Life.”

Tickets and information can be obtained at:

Artemisia Botanicals

102 Pickering Wharf  978-745- 0065

Please order tickets by Sunday October 23, 2011 so that we may order dinners for feast.

No refunds on unused tickets . Please check for availablity of rooms in Salem and surrounding areas.

Gathering for Peace

9/11/01- 9/11/11

A Gathering for Peace

Hosted by

Witches Education League

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Gathering at 1:30pm

The lawn between Victoria Station and Capt’s, Salem MA

Come join W.E.L. in a gathering for peace on this the 10th anniversary of the  tragedy that struck the very core of our spirits.  Unite with us as we ask our Higher  Power(s) to bring peace to all  throughout the world and to those hearts most affected.
Ten years later we are still at war overseas. A first step in creating peace must start in each of us. Let us remember those who lost their lives in this horrific event . Bring positive energy to our brave service men and women around the world for their safe return home to their families and friends.
This Gathering  is open to anyone who wishes to lend their energy to the cause for Peace.

For more information please contact


or call 978-745- 0065

Give Peace a Chance.

Monday, August 15, 2011

8Th Annual Southern Maine Pagan Pride Day

August 13,2011 turned out to be a very nice day, between the weather and PPD. It was a day of fun and learning.  With 24 different vendors , there was plenty to see and to buy. There were some unique items that I had not come across before.
Our table was set and we were off and running- questions, learning, educating. That's what we are here for. Your memberships help us help those that need it. So if you are thinking of joining, stop thinking about it and help a great cause, and JOIN !

 The day started out quiet with the wonderful smooth sounds of  Christopher LaFond . He played and sang beautifully. There were 7 workshops that went on throughout the day. My personal favorite was with Raven Grimassi-" Old World Magick". He is fantastic speaker. If you have never had the opportunity to listen to him, take the opportunity coming up on Sept 18th at EMPPD. You wont regret it !
Other workshops included: Sacred Sounds by Lorelei Greenwood-Jones, The Secret Ingredient Cooking with Heirloom Magic- by Dawn Hunt, Asa-Who? A brief Introduction to the Asatru/Heathenry:Nothern European Mythology- Janine Marie, Earth, Air, Fire, Water, What's your Temperment?- Christopher La Fond, Ocean Oracle:Seashell Reading- Michelle Hanson, and  Animal Totems- Lorelei Greenwood-Jones.
The amazing performances continued throughout the day. There were The Sisters of the Sun Tribal Belly Dance, Different Drummer Joyful Heaerts Club Band, Jenna Greene, and Kellianna with her chants inspired by myth, magic, sacred places and ancient times.  Great energy !

A fun day was had by all - then to top it off, the moon glowed in the night sky over the ocean. What a perfect end to the day........Blessed Be.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The W.E.L. Garden

The Salem Garden Club  and The Salem Beautification Committee gave out the awards for the nicest traffic island and the best Resident and Business window boxes. It was held in the beautiful yard and garden at the Womans Residence at 180 Derby St.in Salem. Luckily the rain held off and it was a nice evening.
Seeing it was our 1st year, we didnt know what to expect. We learned we had won Honorable Mention. Pretty cool for our first time! Adele Maestranzi ( Co-President, Salem Garden Club) mentioned how large the traffic island is and how much improved it was. She also mentioned that her favorite was the fairy doors. 
Mayor Kim Driscoll handed out the awards- a very nice certficate, a picture of the garden, a ribbon and a gardening shovel ! Nice touch !
We worked hard this spring and summer. We got the city to put a trash barrel out and the traffic lights are now working. It is a great view for the tourists to get off the buses and see this large beautiful area.
First impressions can go a long way. Hey - check out the bird houses and listen for the wind chimes - we also have "The Dead Horse Beach Rock Garden" in the making on the back  side of the island.  Everything there -rocks,shells,sand- is from Dead Horse Beach which is over at The Salem Willows.

We have more ideas for next year. Now we know what we need to do. Cant wait. Looking forward to creating and planting even more . Any volunteers out there?

Friday, August 5, 2011

A Watchful Eye

Some of you may have read that the New Apostolic Reformation is looking to change the DC in Washington DC to the District of Christ instead of the District of Columbia.  No big deal you may say, just another strange fundy group trying to throw their weight around.  They are calling this crusade DC40, where they will be praying for several different issues.  However if you start to look a little deeper into the leaders and their past  you will see a backround of anti-pagan backlash.
 While there is always a rally or a fundamentalist group trying to change the texture of religious freedom in the US, The New Apostalic Reformation (NAR) has a vocal supporter in Sarah Palin.  You may remember them from her witch hunter's blessing. 
Whether you like her politics or not, she can be a dangerous enemy in the fact she will probably run (Goddess forbid she win) for the President of our country. A country that has given everyone freedom of religion. Yet these people only want it for themselves and those who worship like them. As Patti Wigington stated, they aren’t praying for peace but praying for the day when your religion is no longer. Why? Because we are the enemy of their God. Have we proclaimed that…no but that is what they believe and we should not be allow to continue.
For these reasons alone we should keep a watchful eye. A couple of protection spells and maybe binding so they cannot surpress the rights of others can't hurt.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It was a great day at the Salem Willows. Thank you to everyone that joined us. We learned, we laughed, we sang, we had Ritual, and we ate watermelon! Old friends meeting new friends!
It was a wonderful day- perfect day in fact.  Cant wait for the next event.
 We will be at Southern Maine Pagan Pride on Aug. 13th, Eastern Mass Pagan Pride on Sept 18th. Also stay tuned for information on our Samhain Ritual Feast on Oct.31st in Salem, Ma.
See you all soon!

WEL Pagan Family Day

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Monday, July 25, 2011

WEL Pagan Family Day

Please join us at our open ritual circle. What does open mean? It means anyone can come and join us. You can listen and watch or participate! We will have a membership table as well as cool stuff for sale. It looks like it is going to be a great day weather wise. Bring your beach chairs, a blanket, soak up some sun and enjoy yourself.
Old friends meeting new friends.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Witches Education League in the News

In honor of our first news post, we've decided to showcase some of the wonderful press coverage W.E.L. has gotten in the last few months.

Our press release from May 24, 2011 in The Boston Globe.

A subsequent article from May 24, 2011 in The Boston Globe. 

A mention in the blog, The Wild Hunt, from May 25, 2011.

An article on Boston Fox News from May 26, 2011.

A mention in the blog, Wiccan World News, from May 26, 2011.

A mention in the blog, Hippie Witch, from May 27, 2011.

A mention in the blog, Universal Life Church Monastery Blog, from May 31, 2011.

An article from June 22, 2011 in Emerson College's prestigious Journalism Students' Online News Service

A call for volunteers for our annual Ask a Witch, Make a Wand event held in Salem, MA during Haunted Happenings from June 27, 2011 in the blog, Plutonica.net

An article from July 14, 2011 in Wicked Local.com: News from the Salem Gazette.

And finally, a wonderful interview with Teri Kalgren by Boston Fox News on May 26, 2011: